创新教育分论坛 | Innovative Education panel


Scientific and technological innovation is evolving into an unprecedentedly inseparable part of our lives today. Emerging information technologies, especially Artificial intelligence (AI), become ubiquitous in humans’ everyday life at an accelerating rate. Such development has not only fostered social development but also triggered changes in human thinking and problem-solving. Within the field of education, AI is upholding educational equality, allowing students across geographic locations to enjoy high-quality teaching resources. AI is promoting the humanization of education, cultivating students' creative thinking and self-exploration. In addition, AI is also pushing for educational innovation and an upgrade of the talent development structure. As the industrial and digital eras have gone by, there is an increasing need for children growing up in the AI era to develop creativity and innovative thinking. Therefore, art and art education will become essential components of all stages of education. Especially with the development of AI triggering many changes in art creation, appreciation, and education, changes in how we perceive art will have a profound impact on human social life. In this panel, we will discuss the integration and creativity of technology and art in the context of education innovation.


单霁翔 | Jixiang Shan

Sixth President of the Palace Museum


Jixiang Shan, the sixth president of the Palace Museum, is currently the president of the Palace Museum College, the president of the Beijing Dongcheng Cultural Development Research Institute. In March 2005, he was awarded the "Outstanding Person Award for Planning" by the American Planning Association. He has published monographs Urbanization Development and Cultural Heritage Protection and From "Functional City" to" Cultural City."


熊澄宇 | Chengyu Xiong

Dean and Senior Professor of the School of Cultural Industries Management, Communication University of China
Professor of Tsinghua University


Chengyu Xiong is the dean and senior professor of the School of Cultural Industries Management of Communication University of China, responsibility professor of Tsinghua University, doctor of Brigham Young University, academician of the European Academy of Science, Arts and Humanities, chief lecturer of the Central Political Bureau, and chief scientist of major projects of the National Social Science Foundation. He is also a member of the National Strategic Emerging Industry Expert Committee, the National Internet Development and Management Expert Committee, and the National Ministry of Culture and Tourism Expert Committee. His main academic works include Xiong Chengyu Collection, Media History Outline, World Cultural Industry Research, Information Society 4.0, New Media Encyclopedia (Translation), World Digital Content Industry Status and Trends, China Cultural Industry Policy Research, New Media and Innovative Thinking, etc.


马丁·贝希托德 | Martin Bechthold

Director of the Master in Design Engineering Program
Kumagai Professor of Architectural Technology

Martin Bechthold是哈佛大学设计学院设计工程硕士课程的联合创始人和Kumagai建筑技术学教授。他拥有德国亚琛莱茵-威斯特法利舍工业大学建筑学工程师文凭,以及哈佛大学设计研究生院的设计博士学位。2018 年,他发起创建了设计技术实验室的协作平台,将哈佛大学教师和研究人员与行业先锋领袖凝结在一起。

Martin Bechthold is the founding Co-Director of the Master in Design Engineering Program and a Kumagai Professor of Architectural Technology at Harvard University. Bechthold received a Diplom-Ingenieur degree in architecture from the Rheinisch-Westfalische Technische Hochschule in Aachen, Germany, and a Doctor of Design degree from the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University. In 2018, he initiated the creation of the Laboratory for Design Technology as a collaborative platform to connect Harvard faculty and researchers with forward-thinking industry leaders.


特里·尼科尔斯·克拉克 | Terry N. Clark

Professor of Sociology at University of Chicago

Terry N. Clark是芝加哥大学社会学系终身教授以及新芝加哥学派城市研究团队领军人。Clark教授拥有哥伦比亚大学硕士和博士学位,曾任教于哥伦比亚大学、哈佛大学、耶鲁大学等,并出版专著40余部,包括《金钱城市》 《新政治文化》《作为娱乐机器的城市》等。 2004年起,他开始聚焦场景研究 ,从美学和消费维度比较不同城市的邻里文化,包括芝加哥、巴黎、首尔和其他国际化大都市。

Terry N. Clark has a master's and doctor's degree from Columbia University, and has taught at Columbia University, Harvard University, Yale University, etc. He has published more than 40 monographs, such as City Money, The New Political Culture and The City as an Entertainment Machine. In 2004, he began to focus on scene research, and compared the neighborhood culture of different cities from the perspective of aesthetics and consumption, such as Chicago, Paris, Seoul and other international metropolises.


张树庭 | Shuting Zhang

President of Communication University of China

张树庭是中国传媒大学校长。他致力于品牌营销、消费行为与营销策略、 广告业发展与广告史、广告教育等方面研究。他已出版著作有《广告教育定位与品牌塑造》《有效的广告创意》《有效的广告创意2》《有效的品牌传播》《品牌蓝皮书2008-2009》等。

Shuting Zhang is the president of Communication University of China. He is dedicated to research on brand marketing, consumer behavior and marketing strategy, the development of advertising industry and advertising history, and advertising education. His published works include Advertising Education Positioning and Brand Building, Effective Advertising Creativity, Effective Advertising Creativity 2, Effective Brand Communication, and Brand Blue Book 2008-2009.


黄昌勇 | Changyong Huang

President of Shanghai Theatre Academy

黄昌勇是上海戏剧学院院长,上海高校智库-全球城市文化协同创新中心主任,也是教育部高等学校艺术学理论类教学指导委员会副主任委员,《艺术管理》期刊主编,年度《中国城市文化 报告》主编。他有多种文学、戏剧、城市文化、文化产业、艺术管理等领域的著作、译作、论文,并有话剧《前哨》《延安》《兰考》,黄梅戏《不朽的骄杨》等剧作。

Changyong Huang is the president of Shanghai Drama Academy, director of Shanghai University Think Tank-Global Urban Culture Collaborative Innovation Center; Vice Chairman of the Teaching Steering Committee of Art Theory in Colleges and Universities of the Ministry of Education; Editor-in-chief of Art Management and the annual China Urban Culture Report. He has many works, translations and papers in the fields of literature, drama, urban culture, cultural industry, and art management, as well as dramas such as Sentinel, Yan'an, Lankao, and Huangmei opera Immortal Proud Yang.

*Guest Speakers are not listed in any particular order


STEAM教育分论坛 | STEAM Education panel

STEAM教育是一门跨学科教学方法。从整合性思维出发,结合「科学」(Science)、「科技」(Technology)、「工程」(Engineering)、「艺术」(Arts) 及「数学」(Mathematics),让学科之间得到融合,是新型教育的一个重要开端。尽管STEAM教育在2015年开始受到教育部的关注,并有了相应的试点学校和教学班级,但是学校和培训机构都普遍缺乏系统性的课程体系。目前,中国跨学科教育的发展还处于对美国等国家的教育实践进行简单效仿的阶段,而缺乏与中国素质教育的有机结合。因此,我们需要真正了解到什么是STEAM教育,以及如何能够结合中国现状真正落地。在本分论坛中,我们将会邀请中美教育嘉宾共同探讨STEAM教育以及分享其在课堂中的具体应用。相信在未来的教育之路中,会有更多教育教学方式上的融合,让教育的过程变得更加丰富多彩。 

STEAM Education is an interdisciplinary teaching method that integrates Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics, marking the beginning of a new wave of progressive education. While STEAM education attracted the attention of the Ministry of Education in China since 2015, many pilot schools and programs in practice simply imitated the practices of their counterparts abroad. Yet, both schools and training institutions lack an adequate understanding of the essence of the approach, and thus there is a lack of successful experience in constructing a truly localized, systematic curriculum compatible with the goal of achieving “Suzhi” (quality) education in China. Therefore, we want to seek answers to the following questions: What is STEAM education? How to best implement and integrate STEAM education within the Chinese education system? In this panel, we will invite Chinese and U.S. experts to discuss insights from the implementation of STEAM education in the classroom setting. In the foreseeable future, we hope to see more integrative and interdisciplinary teaching methods that offer diverse definitions for the concept and purpose of education.

Fred Leichter

克莱蒙特学院协作创造力中心 (the Hive)创始人
斯坦福大学Hasso Plattner设计
Clinical Professor of Engineering at Harvey Mudd College
Founding Director of the Hive Lecturer at Stanford's d.school

Fred Leichter 是哈维穆德学院工程学教授, 专门研究设计思维和创新。他是克莱蒙特学院 协作创造力中心(the Hive)的创始人,他希望通过探索、协作和体验式教育学习来帮助培养学生的创造力,他也热衷于将以人为本的设计和设计思维引入本科教育。Fred此前在波士顿富达投资公司任职25年。他是该公司负责设计思维和创新的高级副总裁。在 1996年,他在该公司设计了富达的第一个网站。 Fred也是斯坦福大学Hasso Plattner设计学院的讲师和研究员。

Fred Leichter is the clinical professor of engineering at Harvey Mudd College, specializing in design thinking and innovation. He is the founder of The Claremont College's Center for Collaborative Creativity (the Hive), with a mission to accelerate the creative development of students through exploration, collaboration and experiential learning. He has a strong passion for bringing human-centered design and design thinking into undergraduate education. Fred previously spent 25 years at Fidelity Investments in Boston. He was a senior vice president for design thinking and innovation there, and designed Fidelity’s first website in 1996. Fred has also been a lecturer and fellow at Stanford University’s Hasso Plattner Institute of Design (the d.school).


张侨平 | Qiaoping Zhang

Assistant Professor of the Department of Mathematics and Information Technology at Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK)

张侨平是香港中文大学哲学博士。 现任香港教育大学数学与资讯科技学系助理教授,博士生 导师,数学及教学文学硕士课程主任。张博士主要从事与数学教育相关的教学和研究工作,研究兴趣包括数学教师教育、数学教育中的情意、数学课程改革和教科书分析以及学生解决数学问题的能力。他的研究对象包括中小学数学教师和大学中的职前和在职教师 ,其研究成果在国际和地区不同的专业学术期刊和书籍得到发表。

Dr. Qiaoping Zhang is the Assistant Professor of the Department of Mathematics and Information Technology at the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK). He is the Programme Leader of the Master of Arts in Mathematics and Pedagogy at EdUHK. Dr. Zhang received his Ph.D. from Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research interests and publications are mainly related to mathematics teacher education, affect in mathematics education, curriculum reform and textbook analysis and students’ mathematical problem-solving. His research subjects include teachers and students in primary and secondary schools as well as pre-service and in-service teachers in universities. His research findings have been published in different refereed journals or books internationally and regionally.


Takashi Kudo

teamLab 成员
Member of teamLab

teamLab创立于2001年,是一个希望通过团队创作来探索艺术、科学、技术和自然界交汇点的国际性跨域艺术团队。teamLab由艺术家、程序员、工程师、CG动画师、数学家和建筑师等各个领域的专家组成。teamLab想通过艺术,摸索人与世界的关系和新的认知。teamLab由Pace Gallery、Martin Browne Contemporary与Ikkan Art承担艺术作品代理。

teamLab (f. 2001) is an international art collective. Their collaborative practice seeks to navigate the confluence of art, science, technology, and the natural world. Through art, the interdisciplinary group of specialists, including artists, programmers, engineers, CG animators, mathematicians, and architects, aims to explore the relationship between the self and the world, and new forms of perception. teamLab is represented by Pace Gallery, Martin Browne Contemporary, and Ikkan Art.


許文凱 | Kevin Hsu

Single Effect Studios联合创始人
Stanford Graduate School of Education alumni
Co-founder and CTO of Single Effect Studios
K-12 International Educator in STEAM

Kevin Hsu是一位数学家、程序员、设计师及教育者。硕士毕业于斯坦福大学的学习设计与科技专业,Kevin的研究侧重于STEAM教育和教育游戏设计。Kevin在斯坦福大学的 d.school和教育学院创客空间有着丰富的教学及工作经验,并在多所国际学校创立及教授STEAM课程。同时,Kevin也是Single Effect Studios的联合创始人。该游戏公司专注于利用游戏培养学生的领导力、沟通力等二十一世纪综合素质。

Kevin Hsu is a mathematician, programmer, designer, and educator. As an alumnus of Stanford University specializing in Learning, Design, and Technology (M.Sc.), he focuses on the study of STEAM education and learning game design. Kevin has extensive experience with the d.school and the Graduate School of Education MakerSpace at Stanford University, and have been teaching STEAM courses across international schools. Kevin is also the co-founder of Single Effect Studios, a game company that focuses on using games to develop students' 21st-century skills such as leadership and communication.

*Guest Speakers are not listed in any particular order


非遗教育分论坛 | Intangible Cultural Heritage Education panel



Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) guides us to slow down from the rhythm of modernized lives and focus on the present and serves as the intersection that connects the past and the present. ICH is inseparable from the essence of "humanism." While technology and datafication enable alternative ways of recording ICH, we hope that ICH will be continuously and vividly "living" with us. The innovation of ICH education requires a steady stream of voices, encompassing diverse insights and opinions. Therefore, in this panel, we hope to promote experiential and immersive education methods, foster innovative attempts of cross-institutional cooperation, suggest potential areas of research, and stimulate critical reflection. This panel will discuss the potential of ICH to empower and inspire formal and informal education, as we embark on this root-seeking journey of culture, education, and identity. With the potential of ICH to present history in diverse contexts, we hope to trace the roots of traditions in today’s digitalized society, promote cultural exchanges and mutual learning, and boost individuals’ cultural confidence.

高丙中 | Bingzhong Gao

Professor, Advanced Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences at Beijing Normal University


Bingzhong Gao is the professor at the Center for Research and Development of Intangible Cultural Heritage, Advanced Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, and a Ph.D. supervisor in anthropology and folklore at the School of Sociology, Beijing Normal University. He has been involved in studies of folk organizations and civil society, folk culture and intangible cultural heritage during his profession at Peking University (1991-2021) and Beijing Normal University (2022-). He was also a visiting fellow of Harvard-Yenching Institute during 2010-2011.


樊继健 | Jijian Fan

Inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage, Guangling Qin School


Jijian Fan is the president of the Guangling Guqin Society and the Taizhou Guqin Society, the vice president of the Guangling Qin Society, the vice president of the Yangzhou Qin and Zheng Art Association and the representative inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage of the Guangling Qin School. She is also a distinguished expert of the National Network Academy of Cultural and Tourist Cadres, and one of the first specially appointed researchers of Yangzhou Cultural Research Institute. She served as the chief editor of the books Guangling Guqin and Conversations with Guangling Qin.


陈均 | Jun Chen

Associate Professor, the School of Arts at Peking University

陈均是北京大学艺术学院副教授,北京大学昆曲传承与研究中心主任,也是教育部中华优秀传统文化(昆曲)传承基地常务副主任。他的研究方向为戏剧戏曲学与艺术学,尤其是戏曲图像、近代戏曲史、昆曲研究等。 他目前致力于昆曲及“非遗”的校园教育:在北京大学开设通选课《经典昆曲欣赏》《戏曲与中国传统文化》、公选课《“非遗”之首:昆曲》《古琴经典艺术欣赏》等。

Jun Chen is the associate professor at the School of Arts and the director of the Kunqu Inheritance and Research Center at Peking University. He is also the executive deputy director of the Ministry of Education's Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture (Kunqu) Inheritance Center. His research interests include drama, theater studies, and art studies, especially in drama images, modern drama history, and Kunqu research. His current focus is the campus education on Kunqu and intangible cultural heritage. He teaches elective courses such as "Appreciation of Classical Kunqu" and "Chinese Traditional Culture and Drama" as well as general elective courses such as "Kunqu, the First of Intangible Cultural Heritage" and "Appreciation of Classic Art of Guqin" at Peking University.


李妍 | Yan Li

中国工艺美术馆 /非物质文化遗产馆
Director of the Department of Social Service, China Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum

李妍是中国工艺美术馆/中国非物质文化遗产馆社服部主任、副研究员。 她曾任中国艺术研究院研究生院教务处处长。她的主要研究方向包括:艺术管理、文化政策,目前的研究方向聚焦在博物馆社会教育以及博物馆数字化建设。

Yan Li is the director of the Department of Social Service at the China Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum. She, also working as an associate researcher, served as the director of the Educational Administration of the Graduate School at the Chinese National Academy of Arts. Her work is primarily concerned with arts management and cultural policy. Her current research focuses on the social education and digital construction of museums and aesthetic education for teenagers through museum educational programs.


王东敏 | Dongmin Wang

Associate Professor, the Department of Physical Education at Peking University

王东敏,副教授,武术六段。现任北京大学体育教研部党委副书记、北京大学武术研究中心主任、北京大学体医融合创新实验室执行主任,兼任中国抗癌协会康复会副主任、中国老年学和老年医学学会青年委员会委员、中国老年学和老年医学学会运动健康科学分会专家组成员,并曾是美国华盛顿大学访问学者。她的研究方向为:运动、人口与健康,研究重点为太极拳运动处方、老年人运动健康促进、老年友好社区及健康社区建设等。王教授曾承担国家 级及省部级课题7项,发表学术论文20余篇、 出版学术著作4部。

Dongmin Wang is the associate professor and 6th duan holder in Wushu. She currently serves as the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Department of Physical Education, the Director of the Wushu Research Center, and the Executive Director of the Laboratory of Physical Education and Medicine Integration Innovation at Peking University. She also serves as the Vice Chairman of the Rehabilitation Association of the China Anti-Cancer Association, a member of the Youth Committee of the Chinese Geriatrics and Gerontology Society, and a member of the Exercise and Health Science Branch of the Chinese Geriatrics and Gerontology Society. She was previously a visiting scholar at the University of Washington in the United States. Her research interests include sports, population, and health, with a focus on Tai Chi exercise prescription, promoting physical activity and health among the elderly, and the construction of elderly-friendly and healthy communities. She has undertaken seven national and provincial research projects, published more than twenty academic papers, and authored four academic books.


赵若竹 | Ruozhu Zhao

Associate Professor, School of Broadcasting and Anchoring, Communication University of China

赵若竹是中国传媒大学副教授,美国南加州大学访问学者。她的研究领域是新技术与媒体语言传播、文化传播、传媒教育数字化。在南加州大学访学期间,她就互联网和AI主播给广播电视带来的改变进行了研究。她也曾参与中国中央电视台非遗主题节目《二十四节气》的创作。赵教授目前主持的科研项目聚焦于:博物馆与高校协同育人模式的探索、中华优秀传统文化的影像传播,以及探究 “非遗+传媒”如何助力文化传播、拓展教育空间。

Ruozhu Zhao is the associate professor at Communication University of China and was a visiting scholar at University of Southern California. Professor Zhao's research focuses on new technology and media, language communication, cultural communication, and communication education digitalization. As a visiting scholar at the University of Southern California, she studied the impact of the Internet and AI anchors on radio and television. She also participated in the creation of the CCTV Intangible Cultural Heritage themed program "24 Solar Terms." Her current research focuses on the exploration of a collaborative education model between museums and universities, the visual dissemination of Chinese traditional culture, and expanding the educational space via integrating intangible cultural heritage and media.

*Guest Speakers are not listed in any particular order

融合教育分论坛 | Inclusive Education Panel


Inclusive Education prioritizes on maximizing the placement of students with special needs in general education settings to achieve educational equity. With the release of The 14th Five-Year Action Plan for the Development and Enhancement of Special Education by the Ministry of Education in China, inclusive education, albeit at the early stages of development, has received an increased volume of attention throughout China. Yet, upscaling inclusive education requires not only systematic reforms and individualized accommodation of assessment measures and curriculum development, but also further integration of special education with general education, vocational education, and medical rehabilitation to form a multi-dimensional and synergistic support system.

The Inclusive Education panel fosters a comprehensive understanding of education for students with special needs, providing insights into the process of diagnosis and assessment as well as ways to achieve social integration of children with special needs. By using case studies and research data, we will inform the public about the living conditions of people with special needs and the current situation of inclusive education in China, advocating for the concept of inclusion.


苏雪云 | Xueyun Su

Ph.D. in Special Education
Deputy Dean of the Department of Preschool Education, Faculty of Education, East China Normal University


As the Ph.D. in Special Education, Professor, and Deputy Dean of the Department of Preschool Education, Faculty of Education, at East China Normal University, Dr. Xueyun Su’s research focuses on early intervention of autism and developmentally delayed children, assisted communication, preschool integration education, and assessment and development of infants and young children aged 0-6. She leads 16 national social science general projects as well as projects from the Ministry of Education on humanities and social sciences. She works as the person in charge of the Chinese version of AEPS-3 (a curriculum-based comprehensive assessment tool for children aged 0-6), and her works include Psychology of Extraordinary Children, Early Intervention for Infants, etc.


赵雪莲 | Xuelian Zhao

M.A. Special Education at University of Connecticut
Founder of Beijing Shuxin Special Education, the official training platform for Pivotal Response Treatment (PRT)
PRT Level 5 trainer


Ms. Zhao has a M.A. Special Education at University of Connecticut and is the founder of Beijing Shuxin Special Education, the only official training platform for Pivotal Response Treatment (PRT) in China. She is a PRT Level 5 trainer (the only one in China). Ms. Zhao's professional directions are PRT and Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS). She has translated a series of books, including Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports in the Classroom: A Guide to Positive Classroom Management, Mindful Parenting for ADHD, and Pivotal Response Treatment: Level 1—3, etc.


赵琦 | Qi Zhao

Principal of Beijing Modern Wisdom Inclusive Kindergarten
Deputy Chairman Beijing Preschool Education Association

赵琦毕业于首都师范大学,是北京现代睿智融合幼儿园园长、北京学前教育协会副会长。2005年,她创办了北京第一所融合教育幼儿园。18年来,她带领睿智团队一起建立了中国学前融合教育的可持续发展模式,从幼儿园融合到小学融合、再到送教上门,每年服务20多个幼儿园和中小学,累计服务了3000 多名特殊儿童和家庭,成为多所高校的实践研究基地。 赵琦的多篇论文在国内外发表,其中包括《学前融合教育教师培训指南》、《特殊教育助理》两个标准。 她负责的十二五、十三五中国学前教育研究会科研课题也在国内多次获奖。

Ms. Zhao graduated from Capital Normal University and founded the first inclusive kindergarten in Beijing in 2005. In the past 18 years, she has led her team to establish the sustainable development model of preschool inclusive education in China, from kindergarten to primary school, to sending teachers home. The team has served more than 20 kindergartens, primary schools, and middle schools every year, and has served more than 3,000 children with special needs and their families. Beijing Modern Wisdom Inclusive Kindergarten has become the practice and research base of many universities. She has published two guidelines on “Teacher Training for Inclusive Preschool Education” and “Special Education Assistants.” Ms. Zhao also is in charge of the 12th Five-Year and 13th Five-Year Chinese Society of Preschool Education research projects that won many awards in China.


徐添喜 | Tianxi Xu

Chair and Associate Professor, Department of Special Education, School of Education, Central China Normal University
Ph.D., The University of Newcastle, Australia


Dr. Xu is the Chair and Associate Professor of the Department of Special Education, School of Education at Central China Normal University. He earned his Ph.D. degree at the University of Newcastle, Australia and post-doctoral research at the Brain and Mind Centre, Centre for Disability Research and Policy, at the University of Sydney. His research focuses on school-to-work transition education and services for students with developmental disabilities, family support and quality of life for students with disabilities, assistive technology, and supported employment for people with developmental disabilities.


*Guest Speakers are not listed in any particular order

儿童教育分论坛 | Children’s Education panel


In recent years, the Chinese government has issued a number of policies that are conducive to the development of children's education. While striving to implement a balanced development plan for compulsory education, the government continuously promotes the development of “suzhi” education, prioritizing the cultivation of students' creativity, innovation, and more. Among them, children's literature, with its appeal to both adults and children and its diverse forms of presentation, including songs, poems, fairy tales, picture books, novels, drama, etc., has become an increasingly preferred medium for educators to achieve holistic education. In this panel, we will spotlight the integration of different genres of children’s literature in children’s education, featuring theories and practical approaches that reflect effective teaching of Literacy, Music, Drama, Philosophy, and Chinese as a foreign language. We aim to provide exemplary cases as we explore and expand the boundary of traditional forms of education.


汪琼 | Qiong Wang

Chinese teacher at Haishu Primary School in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province

汪琼是浙江省杭州市海曙小学语文教师,省、市教学大赛一等奖获得者。 她的80多篇作品曾发表于《名作欣赏》《小学语文教师》等期刊。汪老师致力于儿童哲学本土化、课程化的探索,其专著《绘本中的儿童哲学课》被评为《中国教育报》2022年度教师最喜欢的100本书之一。

Qiong Wang is a Chinese teacher at Haishu Primary School in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. She was awarded first place in provincial and municipal level evaluations of teaching quality. She has published more than 80 articles in periodicals such as Appreciation of Masterpieces and Chinese Teachers in Primary Schools. She devoted herself to the localization and curriculum exploration of philosophy for children. Her recent work Children's Philosophy in Picture Books was voted as one of teachers’ 100 favorite books in 2022.


唐蕾 | Lei Tang

International Chinese language teacher at the College of International Culture and Education of Guangxi Normal University


Lei Tang is an international Chinese language teacher at the College of International Culture and Education of Guangxi Normal University. She has been involved in international Chinese education since 2010 and has taught courses including comprehensive Chinese, Chinese speaking, Chinese listening, and Chinese reading. In addition, she has extensive experience in training overseas Chinese teachers and teaching Chinese to overseas primary and secondary school students. With rich teaching experience and good teaching results, she has been awarded the title of "Students’ Favorite Teacher" at Guangxi Normal University. She is also one of the key founders of the school-based curriculum "Chinese Original Picture Book - International Chinese Course for Children" at Guangxi Normal University.


朱自强 | Ziqiang Zhu

Chair Professor under the Project of Renowned Professors and PhD supervisor at Ocean University of China

朱自强是一位学者、翻译家、作家。他是中国海洋大学名师工程讲席教授、博士生导师,行远书院院长,国际儿童文学研究中心主任,第十八届国际格林奖获得者,中国儿童文学研究会副会长,教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目首席专家。朱教授的主要学术研究领域包括儿童文学、语文教育、儿童教育研究等,并曾出版《朱自强学术文集》(10卷),著有个人学术著作20部。他的代表作有《儿童文学概论》《小学语文儿童文学教学法》等。朱教授曾获得儿童文学创作获泰山文艺奖、图画书时代奖等奖项,并翻译出版日本儿童文学名著 20余种、绘本近百种。

Ziqiang Zhu is a scholar, translator, and writer. He is the Chair Professor of the Project of Renowned Professors and PhD supervisor at the Ocean University of China. He is also the dean of Xingyuan College, director of the International Research Center for Children’s Literature, the winner of the 18th International Grimms Award, the vice chairman of the Chinese Children’s Literature Society. Zhu is also the chief expert of major Social Sciences Research Projects of the Ministry of Education. Professor Zhu’s main academic interests include children’s literature, Chinese language education, and children’s education. He has published Collections of Zhu Ziqiang’s Academic Essays (ten volumes), and twenty academic monographs, such as An Introduction to Children’s Literature, Children’s Literature-oriented Teaching Method for Chinese Teaching in Primary Schools, etc. His works of children’s literature have won the Taishan Literary Prize and Times Award for Picture Books. Furthermore, Zhu has translated more than twenty Japanese children’s literature works and 100 picture books.


葛琦霞 | Chi-Hsia Ko

Executive Director of Taiwan Happy-Reading School
Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Learning and Materials Design, University of Taipei


Chi-Hsia Ko is the executive director of Taiwan Happy-Reading School, adjunct lecturer at Department of Learning and Materials Design, University of Taipei, the Ph.D. candidate, Department of Education, University of Taipei, and the first chairman of Taiwan Association of Prospective Reading Development. She has served as an elementary school teacher over more than ten years. In 1999, she was awarded the Teacher Award and was selected as a special outstanding teacher in Taipei City in the category of Chinese and Social Sciences. In 2020, she was awarded the Distinguished Alumni of University of Taipei. Chi-Hsia Ko is an expert in using picture books, literature works, and drama, in developing students' reading and writing skills. She uses the process writing mode, alongside Mr. L. Ron Hubbard's learning techniques, to handle learning difficulties that students may encounter. She has also written many books, all of which are educational books for teachers and parents to guide students.


David Row

Make Moments Matter儿童音乐教育网站创始人
AOSA approved Orff Schulwerk teacher educator
Founder of Make Moments Matter Webpage and weekly Live "Musical Mondays” podcasts

David Row是是美国儿童音乐教育届的领军人物,在培养艺术批判性思维方面拥有着丰富经验,目前执教于美国密苏里州DeSoto学区。他硕士毕业于密苏里大学堪萨斯城音乐学院,现活跃于美国、加拿大各地的各大音乐会议以及研讨会并进行教学分享。暑假期间,他会在OCPS 和奥兰多佛罗里达州中部奥尔夫分会给教师们讲解奥尔夫进阶课程。 在他主理的网站 MakeMomentsMatter.org 上可以看到关于课堂内容、管理、课程计划、批判性思维等方面的分享。

David Row loves teaching music to kids! He now lives and teaches in the Kansas City metro area for the DeSoto Unified School District. He holds a Master’s Degree in Music Education from the University of Missouri – Kansas City Conservatory, completed three levels and a master's course in Orff Schulwerk training, and has extensive experience with critical thinking in the arts. David is an active clinician and has presented workshops at national, state, and local conventions across the United States and Canada. He is an AOSA-approved Orff Schulwerk teacher educator and teaches Level 1 Pedagogy at the OCPS&Central Florida Orff Chapter Summer Course. On his webpage, MakeMomentsMatter.org, David shares ideas about classroom content, management, lesson plans, critical thinking, and more.

*Guest Speakers are not listed in any particular order

心理教育分论坛 | Mental Health Education panel



In the 21st century, public attention to mental health is on the rise. It is undeniable that much research and practice of mental health education in China are inseparable from the experiences of its Western counterpart. Although directly adopting foreign practices can achieve certain results, past practices have also indicated a considerable degree of adequacy in local compatibility and accommodation. With a large population base, it is crucial for China to front-load mental health education by providing effective preventative measures. As mental health researchers and practitioners, we hope to explore the current development and achievements of the localization of mental health education from three perspectives: school, family, and society. As we enter the post-pandemic era, we are intended to explore how we can build an effective mental health safety net that is more in line with our nation’s characteristics.


徐凯文 | Kaiwen Xu

Ph.D. and Associate Professor in Clinical Psychology
Founder and Chief Supervisor of Daru Psychology
Licensed Psychiatrist


Dr. Xu is the Ph.D. and Associate Professor in Clinical Psychology at Peking University, Founder and Chief Supervisor of Daru Psychology, and Registered Supervisor of the Chinese Psychological Society. He was the general supervisor and deputy director of Peking University Student Mental Health Education and Counseling Center for 12 years. His main research interests include: adolescent mental health, crisis intervention, trauma treatment, counseling ethics, and localization of counseling.


道格拉斯·瑞 | Douglas Ray

Director of Student Wellbeing and College Counseling at Avenues Shenzhen
Doctor of Education, Northeastern University

Douglas Ray在中美多所知名学校有着丰富的学校领导和教育创新经验。 在深圳爱文,Douglas Ray带领着由年级督导、专业的心理学家、学习支持指导、语言学习指导以及各学部的健康和运动老师组成的重要的学生身心发展团队。Douglas同时负责督导深圳爱文高年级的升学指导项目。爱文把学生的全面身心健康置于教育的核心地位,关怀学生的整体发展与学业进步,为学生提供个性化的支持项目,以保证每一位学生在社会情感发展上都能得到全面支持,每一位进入爱文的学生都能够取得属于自己的成功。

Douglas Ray has a wealth of experience in school leadership and education innovation. At Avenues Shenzhen, Douglas leads the student wellbeing team, comprising deans, psychologists, learning specialists, language specialists and the Wellness and Movement (WAM) teachers. He also oversees the college counseling program for Upper Grades students. Avenues puts student wellbeing at the center of education. We attend to students’ overall and academic development, and provide individualized support programs to support students’ social-emotional growth and ensure that all students admitted to Avenues are set up to succeed.


周加仙 | Jiaxian Zhou

Researcher of Education and Deputy Director of Educational Neuroscience Research Center at East China Normal University
Vice Chairman of Learning Science Research at China Association of Higher Education


Dr. Zhou, is the Researcher of Education and Deputy Director of Educational Neuroscience Research Center at East China Normal University, and the Vice Chairman of Learning Science Research at China Association of Higher Education. Dr. Zhou previously served as a Senior Research Consultant of Learning Science at International Brain Research Organization-UNESCO International Bureau of Education and as an Executive Director of the International Society of Mind, Brain and Education. Dr. Zhou was not only the first in China but also one of the first scholars who proposed educational neuroscience in the world, where she delved into systematic research. She has presided over more than 40 national, provincial, and ministerial-level international cooperation projects and experimental school projects such as the General Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China. She has also published more than 100 pieces of work in academic journals in China and abroad, in both Chinese and English, published monographs, translations, editor-in-chief and co-authored more than 40 books, and edited 6 book series.


韩卓 | Zhuo Han


Professor of Psychology at Beijing Normal University, Changjiang Young Scholar of Ministry of Education
Certified Psychologist by the Chinese Psychological Society
Director of Family Emotion and Children's Mental Health Laboratory at Beijing Normal University

韩卓是北京师范大学心理学部教授,博士生导师,教育部青年长江学者 ,中国心理学会认定心理学家,国家心理健康和精神卫生防治中心专家库咨询专家,中国心理学会婚姻家庭心理与咨询专业委员会委员,中国心理学会正念心理学专业委员会委员,以及孤独症儿童教育研究中心特聘专家。作为北京师范大学家庭情绪与儿童心理健康实验室负责人,她的主要研究方向包括发展心理病理学、情绪与情绪调节、家庭研究及心理健康等。她曾主持七项国家级及省部级科研项目,作为骨干参与国家级课题八项,担任知名国际期刊主编及心理学书籍编委,并发表临床心理学和发展心理学论文50余篇。

Zhuo Han is the Professor of Psychology at Beijing Normal University, Doctoral Supervisor, Changjiang Young Scholar of the Ministry of Education, a certified psychologist by the Chinese Psychological Society, a consulting expert of the National Center for Mental Health, China, a member of Marriage and Family Psychology and Counseling of Chinese Psychological Society, a member of Mindfulness Psychology of Chinese Psychological Society, and a distinguished member of Education Research Center for Autistic Children. As the director of the Family Emotion and Children's Mental Health Laboratory at Beijing Normal University, she researches developmental psychopathology, emotion and emotion regulation, family research and mental health, etc. Professor Han presided over seven national and provincial scientific research projects and participated in eight national research. She serves as editor-in-chief in international journals and has published more than 50 articles on clinical psychology and developmental psychology.

*Guest Speakers are not listed in any particular order